2021-2022 President’s Message

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! 

I am honored to step into the role of the San Diego County Association of School Psychologists (SANDCASP) President, following in the footsteps of Kathy Pawlukiewicz. I have some big shoes to fill! I joined the SANDCASP board in the 2018-2019 school year and have been loving being part of this organization ever since! I am so excited to see what this year will bring!

As we move into a new school year, we owe a huge thank you to the 2020-2021 Board Members for their dedication, service and leadership over the past year, as well as to all of our SANDCASP members for giving your time and talents to make the year a great success especially during a pandemic. 

At SANDCASP, we hope to continue to provide you with the resources and support you need to deliver the best services for our students, families and schools. The mission of SANDCASP is to support local school psychologists to take a whole-child approach to education as they assist teachers, administrators, students and support staff to meet the intellectual, social, behavioral and emotional needs of each and every child. In an effort to meet the needs of the whole child, The San Diego County Association of School Psychologists is committed to social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

We will update you regularly on upcoming events & workshops. Our workshops this year (at least through January) will be virtual. Our first workshop will be on September 10th by Carl Corbin. The great news is that if you renew your SANDCASP membership this workshop is FREE! 

In addition to workshops, SANDCASP offers prestigious awards for Outstanding School Psychologist, the Ross Zatlin Mentorship Award and the Dr. Valarie Cook-Morales Memorial Scholarship Award. The last couple of years we have made some fun videos of our award winners. You could be next! 

If you have not been to a CASP convention, I highly recommend it. This year the 72nd CASP convention will be in Garden Grove, CA from October 13-16th. The theme is “Reflect, Reimagine, Revive: Power of YOU.” This convention celebrates your power to make a real difference in children’s lives. 

In closing, as your SANDCASP President this year, it is my hope to inspire you to become more involved in the profession. Take a moment (or many moments) to do something that advances your own professional growth and the growth of school psychology. I can’t wait to meet/see you (virtually or in person) at our next event! 

Stay safe, connected, and kind! Cheers to a great 2021-2022!


Dorothy Guinter

SANDCASP President 2021-2022