Getting to Know Our Board Members-Kristie Calton

Kristie Calton – SANDCASP Secretary
Kristie earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from UC Riverside and her Master’s degree in School Psychology from National University. She is a veteran school psychologist with 19 years of experience in San Diego Unified, 2nd largest district in California, which has allowed many opportunities. Kristie has had extensive training in Trauma Informed Care practices and is very passionate about teaching those who work with these fragile students. Most recently she worked at the district office supporting foster, homeless and military students, which included collaborating closely with San Diego Center for Children’s Residential Treatment Facility.

Outside of work, Kristie enjoys growing and making succulent arrangements in her greenhouse, riding her quad in the desert, and enjoying the Colorado River from her vacation home in Arizona. Kristie’s dream for retirement is to build a treehouse in the mountains of North Carolina.